Volunteers in School: Benefits for Everyone
The Volunteer Gains:
- Personal satisfaction from helping children learn.
- Opportunities to learn new skills, polish old ones.
- Knowledge and understanding of Volusia County Schools.
- Work experience that may lead to a future career.
The Student Gains:
- Additional individual attention.
- An accepting atmosphere for reinforced learning.
- A chance to succeed, thus building better self-esteem.
- A warm and caring adult who is a good friend.
The School Gains:
- Positive interaction with the community.
- Improved student achievement and behavior.
- Additional services without extra costs.
- Increased community understanding and support.
The Volusia County Community Gains:
- Better-educated students.
- Greater confidence in the educational system.
Want to become a VIPS Volunteer?
Thank you for volunteering your time to enrich our students’ learning experiences. The application to volunteer is electronic and can be accessed by using any device connected to the Internet. The link below will take you to the Volunteer/Partnership Programs Department webpage where the application can be found under "Related Links.” Please be sure to read the Online Application Instructions prior to filling out the application.
As a reminder, all volunteer approvals will expire on June 30 of each year, requiring volunteers to renew.